One for All and All for Cake
A lot of time during the day is spent at work and it is a lot better when you love what you are doing and where you are doing it. gestigon is all about the team, every single person, our way we treat each other and how we are treated ourselves. It’s about love.
We are proud to have a very relaxed and familiar atmosphere, so that everybody can excel in his or her field of work. Hard word, but also nerfs, drones and nerdy gimmicks set the scene. As we try to solve our technological problems together, we also hang out together once in a while, enjoy good food or drinks together, watch the weirdest movies and regularly play a game of darts or table soccer. And you won’t believe it, but at gestigon the CTO always participates, although we have to let him win occasionally…
We are
Young at heart
Average age: 32 years
In love with critters
5 cats, 8 dogs, 4 horses, 4 rodents,
some goldfish & 16 kids
Getting around
12 nations & 17 different languages (18 if counting Klingon)
Technically diverse
Mac users: 23.5%
Windows users: 62.7%
Linux users: 13.7%

Managing Director (CEO)
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
Music instrument mastery - I'd love to be able to play an instrument like a pro just by touching it
iOS or Android?
Both - although I switched back again to iOS just recently, I cannot really call a winner here.
What is the furthest east and west you have traveled?
Yokohama, Japan / Kailua-Kona on Big Island Hawaii
What is your dream car?
Certainly VW T1 and T2 count, but the environmental record is rather on the weak side. Therefore a BMW i3 - a pretty intriguing concept of a carbon-emission free vehicle both from production and driving perspective.
Your favorite tv show from your childhood?
MacGyver - amazing how this guy could build anything out of nothing with a swiss army knife....

Test Assistant
Which three items would you take on a deserted island?
1.lighter, 2. knife, 3. Somebody to save
Mario or Sonic?
iOS or Android?
Which way does your toilet paper hang on the wall – over or under?

Head of Finance
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
Teleportation Ability - no traffic jams, always being on time. Also it should be possible to teleport characters from books and movies into the real world and vice versa :D
Mario or Sonic?
Mario on SNES
What band would you camp out all night to get tickets to see?
Justice @ Ed Banger 10th Anniversary, NYC; Future Islands, The Darkness
What is the furthest east and west you have traveled?
Dunedin, went up the steepest street of the world in the first gear of my packed Toyota Corolla – I think this is one of the furthest places you can go from Germany in both directions.
What is your dream car?
I like Volvo... waiting for the new V90

Software Engineer
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
Of course the power of "The Simpsons™" Everyman™. (Not to be confused with DC's Everyman). Touch a comic and gain the power of the pictured hero. Why limit yourself to only one superpower...
Mario or Sonic?
I was raised with PC and not console, so...Guybrush Threepwood? But if I had to choose: Mario
When was the last time you turned your cell phone off (not just on silent)?
Always on the plane and in theaters/cinemas etc.
What band would you camp out all night to get tickets to see?
... Internet?
What book can you read over and over again?
All of the Zamonien books bei Walter Moers are worth reading over and over again.

Algorithm Engineer
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
Flying. I always wanted to fly like a bird
What toppings do you like on your pizza?
Pineapple and ham
What book can you read over and over again?
Dune. I have read it at least three times. Thinking about it, one more could not hurt...
Do you believe in life on other planets?
I am afraid we are alone

Project Manager
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
The ability to sleep for as long as I want in advance and then not get tired for the according timespan afterwards. And same with eating.
For you, what is the best way to spend a Sunday?
Get up early, go running or cycling, then have an all chilled-out rest of the day feeling staggeringly proud of how disciplined I was in the morning.
Your favorite tv show from your childhood?
The Dukes of Hazzard
Do you believe in life on other planets?
Yes. (Plus it would kind of suck to be all alone.)
What piece of technology do you not own but would like to?
A bedsheet folder.

Prototype Team Leader
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
What are three things still left on your bucket list?
1. See the earth from outer space.
2. Visiting every continent at least once.
3. Doing, inventing or building something that makes the earth a better place when I'm gone.
For you, what is the best way to spend a Sunday?
Sleeping in and relaxing with my girlfriend while watching some series on Netflix sounds pretty good.
What piece of technology do you not own but would like to?
A spaceship.
Where do you believe you were before you were born?
First, in my father and then suddenly in my mother. Still trying to figure out what happened.

Software Engineer
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
Affect probability. For example, I could win money in state lottery for everyday life. Although there is always enough independent life events that nobody could effect.
What band would you camp out all night to get tickets to see?
(Any band, even those that don't exist anymore) - Michael Jackson. No band but a singer.
If you were going to go into business for yourself what would you do?
Something like... mixed reality software engineering with psychology target.
What was the last book you read?
Let me tell you by Jorge Bucay.
Do you believe in life on other planets?
The possibillity is huge. There are around two to three trillion planets in our galaxy.

R&D Knowledge & Efficiency Manager
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
Mutual understanding
Which way does your toilet paper hang on the wall – over or under?
I'm sure there is a checkbox in the settings where this can be configured. I will keep the default.
What is the worst book you have ever read?
Isn't it enough that I have to see horrible PowerPoint decks regularly?
What should they have taught you in school but didn't?
Fill in the tax returns.
What are three things still left on your bucket list?
Save the world (again).
Going to space.
Find alien life (other than that in the back of the refrigerator).

Software Engineer
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
Definitely teleportation, this way I could go to the beach all the time.
How many e-mails are sitting in your inbox?
Most of the time it is 0, I don't like unread Mails.
How many email addresses do you use on a regular basis?
I use one private mail and one at work.
How long is your daily way to work?
5 minutes walking + 5 minutes by train.
What was the last book you read?
Harry Potter and the cursed child.

Test & Validation Team Lead
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
If I could have one superpower it would be teleportation. It would be great to be with friends who live far away in the blink of an eye.
How long is your daily way to work?
15 Minutes by bike
What is the worst air travel experience you have ever had?
We wanted to make a trip through Italy by bike and planned to fly from Lübeck to Milan. But as we arrived at the airport, they denied to take our bikes aboard, "insufficiently packed" they said. Pah! So, what to do? After a short shock, we decided to buy train tickets at the station Lübeck Airport to Milan and spent the next two days on the train. It started very bad but turned into a nice road trip eventually.
Your favorite tv show from your childhood?
I'm a big fan of ALF. ALF from Melmac.
What was the last book you read?
Donna Tartt: The Goldfinch

Sys/SW Quality Leader
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
This is no comic-inspired superpower though, but it would be great to live in a parallel world of wizards (like in Harry Potter). Just being a normal wizard.
iOS or Android?
According to my creative background, I made my decision long ago and won’t change it anym… oh, wait a moment, Siri is calling.
If you could choose freely, where would you want to live and how? (Treehouse in the Rainforest, Igloo in Greenland...)
In a cottage in south France not far from the sea, raising horses and breeding rare vegetables. With a quirky pack of Parson Russell Terriers and olive trees in the garden. Welcoming friends with fine food and wine. Something like that.
Your favorite tv show from your childhood?
In the name of the moon, I will defeat you! Sailor Moon.
What book can you read over and over again?
Pride and Prejudice or maybe Effi Briest. There is a certain disposition towards heartache stories of women caught in social constraints.

Software Engineer
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
Atomic Manipulation, I think it's the most powerful and you can recreate a lot of other superpowers.
iOS or Android?
I have basic technical knowledge so of course Android.
When was the last time you turned your cell phone off (not just on silent)?
Last time it updated and needed a restart.
Which way does your toilet paper hang on the wall – over or under?
Over because it's right. If you don't believe me, google the proof: Essential Life Lesson #1, Over is Right, Under is Wrong
How many email addresses do you use on a regular basis?
Right now I am using three. One for serious stuff, the second one is "spam"- mail, for registering on websites I don't trust but I maybe need to reset the password so I can't use a fake 5-minute mail. The third one is from work.

Software Engineer
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
I would choose teleportation. I could join any event, wherever it is and could visit any friend, wherever he lives, without having to spend a lot of time to get there.
Which three items would you take on a deserted island?
A book, lots of sunscreen and my sister.
What is the furthest east and west you have traveled?
For the west it is San Francisco and for the east Rhodos.
If you could choose freely, where would you want to live and how?
I would live in a rural area, in a big house with a huge garden full of vegetables and fruits and a lake nearby.
If you could go back in time, where would you go?
I would choose the fifties: wear a beautiful dotted petticoat dress and dance rock'n'roll all night - well I would have to take dancing lessons first, but then I would dance all night.

User Interface Designer
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
Time travel. Would be great to see how people lived in earlier centuries. I'm pretty interested in egyptology. Would be great to see the Giza pyramid complex not just in ruins.
Mario or Sonic?
Definitetly Mario. One of my best childhood memories is that my father was buying a nintendo 64 for me and my sister. We spent a lot of time playing „Super Mario Kart“. On principle I never bought a playstation. I tried some other nintendo consoles, but the nintendo 64 is still the best and I love to play the old games from time to time.
What is your favorite city in the world and why?
There are a lot of great cities in the world. In my opinion Istanbul is one of the most remarkable metropolis. The cultural diversity caused by old traditions and modern influences is unique and definitly worth visiting.
What is your dream car?
Since I saw the first James Bond Movie - to be honest I don't know which one it was – I'm a huge fan. The Aston Martin DB5 visible in a few Bond Movies (of course with some nice gadgets integrated by Q) is just a beautiful car.
When was the last time you turned your cell phone off (not just on silent)?
I had this situation last weekend because I forget to charge it. Another reason that it turns off is that I can not find the charging cable. That happens quiet often. Seriously... my cellphone turns off at least once a week.

Software Engineer
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
When was the last time you turned your cell phone off (not just on silent)?
I have a very experienced phone that decides to turn off on its own.
How long is your daily way to work?
10 minutes by bike, 15 minutes by car, around 60 by bus.
If you could go back in time, where would you go?
Somewhere in the 11th century when cities start to grow in large numbers. I would like to observe the people who give up their normal lives and try to find their fortune. Maybe I would also build an apartment complex for rent...
What toppings do you like to put on your pizza?
First it needs to be baked with tomatoes and mozzarella di bufala. After that the pizza should be finished with prosciutto crudo, rucola and parmigiano. Don't forget a real thin, italian style dough!

Usability Engineer
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
Definitely Teleportation
What are three things still left on your bucket list?
Diving with whale sharks, swimming with manatees and seeing the polar lights
If you could choose freely, where would you want to live and how?
In the rural north (Sweden, Norway etc.) in a log cabin by a lake, far away from civilization
For you, what is the best way to spend a Sunday?
Sleeping in, having a nice dogwalk, playing video games and then ending it in a pen and paper evening.
What is the worst book you have ever read?
Wet hot Allosaurus Summer by Lola Faust

If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
By controlling fire and ice, you can make super weapons against villains and have no more porblems with heating and cooling.
Mario or Sonic?
Mario for the hours I spent on Mario Bros and Kart.
What is the furthest east and west you have traveled?
The most easterly is Berlin, and the most westerly is Montréal.
How long is your daily way to work?
It takes me 20 minutes on foot to go to work.
Your favorite TV show from your childhood?
It's pretty hard to choose, but I think it's Code Lyoko.

Test & Validation Technician
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
Time Travel. I would travel through all centuries and see the world evolve.
iOS or Android?
Android. I tried iOS but i didn't like it.
Do you believe in life on other planets?
Yes I do. I guess, we never find out.
How long is your daily way to work?
15 minutes with my bicyle/car.
What is your dream car?
Nissan GT-R

Software Engineer
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
It would be pretty awesome to teleport. On a rainy day just teleport to Hawaii and enjoy the beach. Additionally no more waiting for trains or getting into traffic jams seems to be pretty cool .
What is your favorite city in the world and why?
New York and Boston are both really nice. New York is definitely too loud to live there, but it was awesome to be there for a week. There is so much to do and to see in both cities.
How many email addresses do you use on a regular basis?
Right now I am using four. One personal address, the second one is my "spam"- address and used for competitions and registration at websites i don't trust in. The third one is from the university and the last one for work.
Do you believe in life on other planets?
Sure, if the universe is endless there must be an endless number of options. So why shouldn't there exist another planet with life.
What was the last book you read?
I know I'm really late, but I read the series of "A Song of Ice and Fire" and just finished the second part. I made the big mistake and started with the tv series before reading the books.

Test Assistant
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
I could choose one superpower, I would choose teleportation. .
iOS oder Android?
What is your dream car?
Audi S100 Coupé
If you could choose freely, where would you want to live and how?
In a Scandinavian mountain forest cabin.

Senior Software Engineer
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
Time Travel
What is your favorite Candy?
My favorite is dark chocolate with cocoa percentage 95 and greater. My special dealer provides me chocolate with 100 percent cocoa - no more ingredients.
Do you believe in life on other planets?
Yes, I believe it. But I don't think that the human race will discover a planet with intelligent species in my lifetime.
Your favorite tv show from your childhood?
Is....Bugs Bunny with Speedy Gonzales and/or Road Runner.
Which way does your toilet paper hang on the wall – over or under?
Over, so you don't have to grabble the paper from the wall.

Test Assistant
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
Because I'm a fan of Marvel comics I'd choose Thor god of thunder
iOS or Android?
Always iOS.
For you, what is the best way to spend a Sunday?
Definitely Billiards with friends.
What is your dream car?
Big cars for sure and especially Range Rover.
If you could go back in time, where would you go?
To the medieval time to rise as a king

Customer Project Manager
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
Definitely Flying!
What are three things still left on your bucket list?
1.Travel to New Zealand
2.Go to space
3.Own a cat or two!
If you could choose freely, where would you want to live and how?
In Rivendell, but with electricity and a good internet connection.
Where do you believe you were before you were born?
Exactly where I will be when I'm dead.
What piece of technology do you not own but would like to?
A BlendTec Blender!

Software Engineer
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
Honestly I can't decide between having super speed or flying like a bird.
What are three things still left on your bucket list?
Traveling around the world, skydiving and ice climbing.
What is the furthest east and west you have traveled?
Hongkong - New York
For you, what is the best way to spend a Sunday?
Having the possibility to plan the day spontaneously without any temporal obligations is always my wish for a Sunday.
What toppings do you like to put on your pizza?
I almost like everyting on my pizza but there definitely has to be a lot of cheese on it.

Software Engineer
IOS or Android?
Android. (My current phone is an IPhone)
Mario or Sonic?
Mario it was my first video gaming experience ever.
Do you believe in life on other planets?
Of course. It's probably everywhere, relative to the scale of the universe.
What is your favourite TV show from your childhood?
Courage the cowardly dog.
If you could go back in time, where would you go?
11,000 years ago, just before the last ice age. I need to see exactly how different the world was before it all went down.

Software Engineer
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
Absolute Immortality. I could try every possible adventure without fearing dying. I could also see how far the technology would evolve.
When was the last time you turned your cell phone off (not just on silent)?
When it runs out of battery, which happens daily.
What is your dream car?
Porsche 911 GT3 RS with a manual gearbox.
How many passwords do you have memorized?
More than 10 but some of them are combinations of the others.
Do you believe in life on other planets?
Yes, I do. I also believe that they visited us.

Metier Manager
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
Have you ever been in a situation where you had to tearfully dispose of your favorite sneakers or shirt, because it’s battered and the signs of wear can’t be ignored anymore? If I can choose one superpower it would be the ability to make them look like fresh out of the box, shiny and new again. Wouldn’t that be great, huh? Call me the Devintagizer! Remembering everything that you have ever read would be also a cool superpower, sure - but c’mon I’m talking about sneakers here.
What was the last book you read?
"Effective Modern C++" by Scott Meyers. Every serious C++ developer should have this and his books "Effective C++" and "More Effective C++“ on his "have-to-read“ list. And of course "C++ Coding Standards: 101 Rules, Guidelines and Best Practices“ (Herb Sutter, Andrei Alexandrescu). Your PM and Software Quality Engineer sure would be so thankful if you do - preventing him from loosing his mind or getting grey hair.
What should they have taught you in school but didn’t?
How to Moonwalk! It still looks ridiculous when I practice in front of the mirror.
If you were going to go into business for yourself what would you do?
I would invent a collision detector for cell phone users. Nowadays a lot of people are staring at their phones while walking in the streets, risking to collide with people or other obstacles. In this case, a collision detection system build into your phone would be very helpful to warn you when you're about to hit something in your way, right? Call me if you have a lot of money and would like to burn it.
iOS or Android?
iOS of course - I don't get the question.

Test & Validation Technician
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose?
I would love to have any super power. but I'll start with the ability to fly.
What is your dream car?
"My dream car would be a Toyota Supra mk4 in black.
What is the worst air travel experience you have ever had?
When I flew to Egypt on a plane and as I opened the sunshade I suddenly had the shutter in my hand.
How long is your daily way to work?
When I take the car, about 10 minutes if I can get through without any red lights.
How many passwords do you have memorized?
Definitely too many. but about 10 to 12 passwords

Software Project Management
If you would going to go into business yourself, what would you do?
Construction. I always had a softspot for it.
When was the last time you turned your phone off?
I usually do not turn it off - I just leave the phone in another room.
What was the last book that you read?
A brief history of time by Stephen Hawking. Read this book and try watching Big Bang Theory again.
What is your favorite Disney movie?
That is a bit tricky, as Jungle Book and Lion King are all time favorites.
What book can you read over and over again?
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. It's the book that really changed my perspective the first time I read it.